How Does Social Media Affect Education Negatively

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If we needed to make a wild guess about the daily routine of an average student, there are two things we are absolutely certain about: they start their day by looking at the screen of their smartphone and end it in the same way. Social media has become an undeniable force in the lives of young adults across the globe. What once was a tool for connection and even educational advancement has now become a way to scroll through endless social media posts on TikTok, Instagram, and other social media platforms.

Excessive use of these platforms has a major impact on academic performance, mental health, and overall learning experience. Prioritizing one’s social media presence can result in reduced academic achievement, as college students lack time to manage their assignments properly. Even though they can hire a professional writer at a cheap service and ask them: “Help me write my term paper as fast as possible,” this approach does not solve a bigger problem. In what other aspects are constant distractions and the possibility of instant gratification hindering students’ ability to focus and learn? Let’s find out.


It is quite difficult to focus on your assignments because of constant notifications, updates, and messages from your social media accounts. These platforms are designed to keep users engaged and scrolling, which can be the cause of social media addiction for the overwhelming majority of college students.

Reduced Attention Span

The mentioned social media addiction has a simple explanation: the short and entertaining format of the information students consume allows them to feel joy right away. They get used to concentrating on something for a very short time, just like when they watch one short video after another. Short attention spans have a negative impact on students’ ability to multitask.

When they try to combine studying with social media platforms, the result is reduced comprehension and retention. The temptation to check notifications is often overwhelming for middle school students.

Negative Impact on Mental Health

When discussing the negative effects of social media platforms, it is crucial to mention students’ mental health issues. The images of a successful and problem-free life can lead to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and depression. It is, indeed, difficult for college students to stop comparing their academic achievements and possessions to those of their peers. 

College students may think that everyone else is happy except for them and get into a trap of social comparison. Unrealistic expectations of themselves can transform into body image issues and eating disorders. At the same time, they can’t stop using these apps because of the fear of missing out: it is better to feel anxious than get excluded by other students. The need for a healthy balance in social media usage is obvious, but the majority choose to ignore it for now.


Many college students find it easier to be mean and hurt someone online than in real life, especially when social media platforms afford to stay anonymous. The phenomenon of cyberbullying is not new, but it still has many negative effects on students’ mental and emotional health. The constant exposure to negative comments, online shaming, and personal attacks can cause severe emotional distress and poor academic performance.

Decline in Academic Performance

Unsurprisingly, constant distractions and the negative impact on students’ mental health often interfere with academic success. Late-night social media activity can lead to sleep disruptions and sleep deprivation, which has a profound impact on cognitive function and critical thinking skills.

Social media users don’t understand why they need to study every topic in such detail whenever teachers ask them to work on an assignment if they can get the necessary (often surface-level) information in less than a minute via their smartphones. The motivation to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information disappears. Therefore, lower academic achievement among college students becomes no exception to the rule.

Poor Research Skills

Most academic assignments require students to do a research study on a particular topic and analyze the existing information. The era of social media usage is here to teach students how to believe in almost everything they see online – from sensationalized headlines to unchecked statistical data. One of the negative effects of social media use is the inability to distinguish between fact and opinion.

That is why source verification and critical analysis should be two key points of digital literacy education for college students. They need to understand that the use of social media platforms is not only a way to have fun but also a possibility to forget how to make informed decisions (not only about academic assignments).

Summing Up

After analyzing some of the key negative effects of social media, it may seem that all students should stop using them today. However, it is always a question of healthy balance and a clear understanding of possible consequences. It is ineffective to ban something without clear explanations. Instead, we can inform young people about the results of the irresponsible use of social media. Then, they can decide what to do with this new knowledge and how to protect themselves from the downsides of the digital world.

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