It appears that almost everyone on Instagram has an Instagram verification blue badge. It depends on who you follow. I’m not referring to your relatives or friends. I’m talking about celebrities, musicians, influencers, businesses, pro athletes, and so on.
Instagram verification looks cool, possibly exclusive, right?
The blue verification badge means reputation, influence, and trust. It means you’re an important individual or business, but you don’t have to be the top movie star to get a badge. You don’t even need a hundred thousand or millions of followers.
Since August 28, 2018, all Instagram users can request verification on Instagram directly. In just a few simple steps, we’ll show you how to apply for the sought after blue badge and why it is beneficial.
How to get verified on Instagram
It only takes a few moments to apply for verification on Instagram. Before applying, make sure that you are logged into the account you want to be verified. For example, if you are looking to verify your business account, make sure you are not logged into your personal account.
To request a verification badge follow these steps:
- Go to your Instagram profile by tapping the icon with your profile picture in the bottom-right corner.
- Tap on the menu icon (three horizontal bars) in the top-right corner of your profile.
- Tap the gear settings icon that appears on the bottom-right of your screen, then select Account from the settings menu.
- Scroll down through account settings until you see Request verification, then tap it.

- A form will come up with your account name filled in. First, add your full name or for a business, the name of your company. Then fill in Known As which is again your name or the name of your company.

- Tap Category and select a category that fits your account the best.

- Next, tap Choose File and attach a file or photo of your ID. Instagram will accept a valid driver’s license, national identification card, or passport. For a business, they will take an electricity bill, utility bill, bank account documents, tax papers, etc.

- Finally, once all of your information is filled in click the Send button at the bottom of the screen. Now your verification request has been sent.
What happens now? Am I verified?
When you send the verification request, it goes to a moderator who works for Instagram. They will review the form you sent and look at your account to decide if you will be approved or not for a badge.
Instagram does not say how long it will take to process your request; it could be hours, days, or weeks. You have to be patient.
When the Instagram moderator has made a decision, you will get a notification in the app shown in the picture below. If for some reason your request is not approved, you can send in a new one after 30 days.
It is important to note that only Instagram can verify your account, so do not pay an outside source claiming they can verify your account.

Tips on getting verified
Anyone can send in a verification request to Instagram. But Instagram is very straightforward: “submitting a verification request does not guarantee your account will be verified.” Luckily for us, Instagram tells us exactly what the requirements are to get a verification badge in the help center.
You must comply with the Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. But your account must also be:
Your account must represent a real individual, a registered business, or an established entity. That also means meme or parody accounts will not be considered.
Your account must be the unique presence of the business or person it represents. Only one account per person or business may be verified. The only exceptions are for language-specific accounts.
If you have built a page around subjects such as dogs, birds, star athletes, or your account is a repost account (meaning you repost content from other people), your request is more likely to be denied. The same goes for fan pages.
Your account has to be public and have a bio, profile picture, and at least one post. Your profile can not include “add me” links to other social media sites.
Your account must represent a well-established individual, brand, or organization that is searched for often. There is no official number of followers required for Instagram verification, but the more followers you have, the better your chances are of being verified. Instagram reviews accounts that have been published in the news, but will not accept paid or promotional materials as sources for verification.

If you already have a verified badge on Facebook, it doesn’t mean you will automatically be eligible for verification on Instagram. It’s easier to become verified on Facebook. Instagram states that they only give verified badges to accounts that are “in the public interest” and “have a high likelihood of being impersonated.”
Benefits of verification
The coveted blue check wouldn’t be valued if it was easy to attain. To many, having the Instagram check is a status symbol. It looks cool, gives you influence, and makes you feel special. But those aren’t the only reasons being verified is worth your time.
There are three main advantages to being verified:
- Avoid copycats or imposters: When someone searches for you or your company, they will notice the blue badge and see that you are the real one. I’ve seen it happen many times where you work hard to form an impressive brand through pictures and videos, but someone posts them as their own. When you have a verification badge, you won’t lose followers because of fake or fan accounts. The more popular you become, the more copycats will attempt to steal your content. I mean, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
- You prove that you are important and trustworthy: Getting verification on Instagram means that you’ve been on several news outlets. The badge shows your current and future followers that you are viewed as a publicly known figure or brand.
- It’s excellent for Instagram SEO: If you want your account name at the top of Instagram search results, having the blue badge is an instant win. Verified accounts are always above unverified accounts.
What do I do if my verification was denied?
If you have tried to get verification once or several times but still keep being denied you might be wondering why your account doesn’t fit the criteria.
You can wait until you or your company is considered more noteworthy, and fan pages and copycat accounts pop up. If this happens, you can always fill in the verification form 30 days after your last request.

The overall purpose of verification is to show your account is credible and inform your prospective followers that it is you. There are other ways to verify that you or your business is legit.
First, you can put your Instagram account link on your company site and email signature. Second, you can add your Instagram link to your other social media pages such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These two methods mean that anyone who clicks on the link to your Instagram profile will know your account is legitimate.
Lastly, to keep your account consistent, you should have a similar tone in your writing style and maintain the visual appeal of your posts on-brand. To brand your Instagram, use the same photo filter on each post and use new hashtags that are relevant to you or your product.
Combining all of these techniques will show prospective followers the validity of your account, even if you don’t have verification.
How to get more followers on Instagram
Although a lot of Instagram accounts that have a large following are verified, it is not necessary to have a blue badge to create a large and loyal base of followers. What you need to do is make your posts engaging, publish them at the right time by looking at your analytics, and cultivate a community that revolves around your brand. You need to interact with your followers by replying to comments, creating an Instagram Stories poll, or even make contests.
Keep your followers at the heart of your Instagram approach, and people will want to follow you.

Since all Instagram users can request verification, it’s worth a shot. Follow the instructions in the steps above, and you’ll be another step closer to the sought-after blue badge.
Will you request verification? Has your account been verified? Let us know in the comments!