Email marketing often gets lost in a sea of new technologies. With social media, chatbots, and many other new tools available for marketers to play with, the value and consistency of email marketing are often forgotten. But email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to market. And there are numbers to prove it.
Here are 12 email marketing statistics that prove it is one of the best ways to market to any audience.
1. There are more than 4 billion people using email worldwide.
According to Statista, there are currently 4 billion email users globally. And the website reports an increase over the next four years, with an estimated 4.48 billion email users by the year 2024. Clearly, that’s a lot of people—more than half of the global population.

The sheer number of existing accounts show that email marketing has the widest reach out of all marketing channels. In comparison, Instagram has about 1 billion users worldwide and Facebook has just under 3 billion. That means two of the biggest social media platforms combine to make the same amount of users that email marketing has on its own.
2. 78% of marketers saw an increase in email engagement in 2019.
Email marketing is still alive and well. Almost 80% of marketers reported that people were engaging with their emails in the year 2019. Customers still find emails valuable and pay attention to what brands send out to their inboxes.
3. Email marketers are seeing an ROI as high as $42 to $1.
Email is a great investment for any business, and this email marketing statistic proves it. Marketers see an average email ROI of $32 for every $1 spent, with the highest being $42 to $1 in the travel industry. This is one of the highest ROIs of any channel. So whether you’re a small business looking for the best return, or a big business looking for an easy investment, email marketing might be the answer.
4. 73% of millennials prefer communications from businesses via email.
If millennials are your target audience, email is where you need to be advertising. Young consumers report that they prefer receiving promotions and product information through email. The same report indicates that one of the first things teenagers do in the morning is check their email, and they continue to check it all throughout the day. This means that if you’re using emails to market, millennials are seeing what your brand has to say.

Here’s a tip: email marketing to young consumers seems to be best, but remember, quality over quantity. The same teenagers that reported they prefer to receive emails from brands also reported that they feel they get too many promotional emails. Instead of bombarding your customers with emails everyday, stick to a few truly valuable ones throughout the week.
5. 89% of marketers say email is their primary method for generating leads.
The experts have spoken, and they say that email marketing is still their top channel for generating leads. Even with other forms of advertising emerging, email remains a great way to generate and nurture leads until they convert to purchases. This is due to its personal and direct approach. Emails allow brands to personalize their marketing message to specific audiences, leading to increases in conversions and sales.
6. 59% of respondents report that email marketing influences their purchase decisions.
Like we’ve said many times, emails leads to conversions, and here is another email marketing statistic to prove it. Emails influence customers directly with news of promotions, product information, and sales. The same report indicates that half of survey respondents buy from a marketing email at least once a month.

7. 60% of consumers prefer being on a brand’s email list compared to 20% who prefer following the brand on social media.
People prefer receiving promotional offers and deals through email rather than social media. This is probably because email is more direct and usually includes links that bring the customer straight to the deal, whereas social media can be a little harder to manoeuver. Consumers want to receive your deals, and they want to access them in the easiest way possible. This is great news for email marketers.
8. 54% of marketers say email is the most effective and least difficult type of digital marketing.
Not only is email effective, but it’s also easy to execute. More than half of marketers in the industry say so, according to this email marketing statistic. Email marketing is accessible even for the most technologically-impaired marketer, and if you’re already a whiz on other social media platforms, than figuring out how to market via email should be a breeze for you. Whatever your level of digital knowledge is, email marketing is achievable.
You can also check out this guide from Hubspot if you need extra help with your email skills.
9. Email is 40x more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter.
When you want to grow your audience, you should be turning to email. Email marketing offers the best results for expanding your audience. It is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than social media giants Facebook and Twitter.

We know, 40 times more is an unbelievable number. Our minds were blown too. ?
10. 91% of all consumers report daily email use.
There are millions of consumers globally, and 91% of them use email daily. If you’re consistently sending out relevant and useful emails, your customers are going to see them. And if your company has a time-sensitive deal, sale, or promotion going on, the best way to share the news is via email. Consumers will see it quickly because they’re used to checking their emails daily. Utilizing an email verifier can significantly enhance the accuracy and efficiency of your email marketing campaigns, ensuring that your messages reach the intended recipients.
Email deliverability is crucial for successful marketing campaigns. Before sending out important emails, many businesses find it beneficial to test emails for spam to ensure they’ll land safely in recipients’ inboxes and not get lost in the spam folder. This is particularly relevant since 91% of all consumers report daily email use.
11. 45% of all marketing emails are opened on a mobile device.
When a person thinks of email, they usually think of the traditional method of accessing it: on a good ol’ desktop. But email has become increasingly mobile over the years, and today, almost 45% of marketing emails are opened via mobile. This means that even while on-the-go, people are reading your messages. Perhaps they’re travelling between work and home, are on their way to a meeting, or are on a break and away from the computer. They still have the opportunity to see your marketing emails on their phone, which means they are staying connected.
Here’s an expert tip to build off this email marketing statistic: make sure to optimize your emails for mobile. This includes landing pages from the emails. Google reports that 61% of users that have trouble accessing a mobile site are unlikely to return to it. And even worse than that, 40% of these users will go on to access a competitor’s site instead. Mobile optimization is key!
12. The average unsubscribe rate in 2019 was just 0.2%.
Everyone fears rejection, including email marketers. It may be sad to track unsubscribe rates, but 2019 statistics show that these rates are as low as ever. Less than 1% of users are unsubscribing from email lists. If your company is rolling out quality content, then you’ve got nothing to worry about.
Final Words
Email marketing remains one of the best ways to market today. There are more people using emails than ever before, so if you aren’t already prioritizing email campaigns, now is the time to start.
For help with email advertising, check out our Email Advertising Agency here at K6.