Crafting Effective Email Marketing Campaigns: A Writing Guide for Student Marketers

Smart Marketing

Don’t let them fool you! Email marketing campaigns might sound old-school for a new generation of marketers praising AI and instant messaging on social media. But guess what? It’s still among the top marketing channels: Nearly 90% of specialists use email as part of their marketing strategy, claiming its proven ROI and driving sales.

When done right, an email marketing campaigns become one of the best ways to connect with the target audience. Student marketers and niche newbies shouldn’t underestimate this channel and learn to use it for their benefit.

This guide shares practical tips and insights from a professional research paper writing service on crafting stellar email marketing campaigns. You’ll see how to structure your emails and write them to hook users and make them click your CTA.

So, whether you’re a student marketer, an email marketer beginner, or a savvy specialist willing to polish current marketing strategies, you’ve come to the right place.

First, the basics. (Those who already know them can jump to the writing strategies on crafting compelling email content below.)

Email marketing campaign 101

What is an email marketing campaign? It’s a single or series of emails you send to your customer contact list to achieve particular business goals.

These goals could be different, but they are not necessarily promotional. You can launch an email campaign to welcome new customers, engage them, share your brand news, remind them about something, you name it.

Here are the standard email marketing campaigns to try:

  • Welcome series — to greet new subscribers and set the tone so they know what to expect
  • Newsletters — to update the subscribers about your brand, products, new releases, special offers, etc.
  • Promotional emails — to drive sales
  • Invitations — to increase customer engagement and participation in your brand’s activities (webinars, presentations, workshops, and other events you’re hosting)
  • Re-engagement campaigns — to rekindle the interest of customers who haven’t interacted with your brand for a long time
  • Drip email campaigns — to nurture leads, guiding potential customers through your sales funnel
  • Seasonal campaigns — to maximize engagement and sales during holidays

A superpower of email that other marketing channels do not have is its direct and personalized communication with users who willingly welcome brand messages in their inboxes. It helps a marketer build a more authentic brand image and stronger customer relationships.

How to run an efficient email marketing campaign

#1. Set clear goals

What do you want to reach with your campaign? Do you plan to boost website traffic, nurture leads, or increase sales? Before you plan and send emails, set specific marketing goals to measure and evaluate the results once your email campaign is complete.

#2. Build an email list and segment the target audience

To whom do you plan to send your marketing emails? Collect contacts through sign-ups, events, or partnerships and organize them for quality and relevance. Your overall campaign’s success depends on it: Ensure that your messages will reach engaged recipients, those interested in the information from you. For that, consider segmentation: Split your email list into more specific groups based on their shared characteristics and send different (relevant) emails to each.

#3. Craft catchy email content, personalized and sent on time

Authenticity and personalization are the keys to capturing and retaining your targets’ interest. Avoid generic emails, find the optimal send time (A/B testing will help here), and use reputable email service providers to ensure your messages won’t land in spam folders.

A writing guide for your emails to stand out

How do you know if your emails are compelling enough to catch the eye and hold attention? Craft them with the below writing tips in mind.

For those lacking writing skills to craft email texts that engage, evoke emotions, and motivate readers to act: You can delegate this task to a website that writes your essay for you. (Such custom services deal with different content types, providing AI-free, original writings for all target audiences.)

And now, to practice:

1. Attention to a subject line

Did you know that around 47% of users open emails based on the subject lines alone? The subject line is the first impression your brand makes, and it motivates recipients to click and read what’s inside.

Make them want to open your email:

  • Use short subject lines (30 characters or something, for them to be visible on mobile screens.
  • Add a relevant emoji if applicable (It will catch the attention and help a recipient see your email in the bunch of others)
  • Mention a motivator to increase response rates (FOMO, greed, guilt, exclusivity — anything relevant to your email’s content).
  • Try psychological tricks: Use numbers in subject lines, add beneficial adjectives (free, exclusive, quick, special, improved, etc.), or ask questions (they encourage users to click to get an answer).

2. Attention to an email’s design and structure

Reading online is 25% slower than from print, so online users don’t read content word by word but scan it first to understand if it’s worth their time.

Make them want to read your email:

  • Choose an appealing layout design for your messages: vibrant colors (remember color psychology?), clear fonts, plenty of white space (for better readability and faster loading), etc.
  • Arrange email content: Make it as coherent and straight-to-point as possible (short paragraphs and sentences, visual hooks a la bold text, transition words, different font sizes, and an eye-grabbing call to action).

3. Attention to your language and tone

Once your email has been opened and passed the scannability test, a recipient begins to read it. How do you keep them engaged and persuade them to continue reading?

These language tricks can help:

  • Use clear, actionable language (active verbs, power words, sensory details, and emotional writing tactics where applicable).
  • Say no to professional jargon a user might misunderstand.
  • Address psychology (again!): Use the reciprocity and bizarreness effects to your advantage, or try a persuasion technique known as bribery (offering extra benefits in return for something).
  • Make your CTA stand out: A user should see and understand it’s clickable.
  • Watch your tone: no CAPS, no several exclamation marks in a row, no abbreviations, no emojis that are easy to misinterpret, and no text speak like “yeap,” “lol,” or “asap” (unless it’s a part of your brand voice).

Email Marketing Campaigns Takeaways

Email marketing is old but gold, praising the qualities customers value in brands: authenticity, personalization, discreetness, and popping up at the right moment. Student marketers and those new to the niche should consider all these factors when organizing their email campaigns and wondering how to structure email texts for better conversion. Consider the psychology behind email language: Pay attention to subject lines, email design, and your tone of voice to communicate your marketing messages to the target audience — and you’ll win.

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