Almasi Knives

Almasi Knives, Sidney

Facebook Ads, Google Ads & Pinterest Ads


Almasi Knives sells handcrafted multi-purpose chef’s knives that are the culmination of years of ancient smithing technique, refined and perfected over generations.

They had initially grown off a few successful creatives in their Facebook ads and a very good-looking brand & website. Looking to scale even higher, they reached out to a more seasoned Facebook ads expert.

We analyzed the Facebook & Pinterest ads account and came up with a strong strategy to help them reach their sales goal.


01. Branded video advertising

When it came to Almasi, the best creative type to prospect new clients with Facebook ads had clearly been videos. We first took the raw footage of past videos to create new versions that would be more attractive to clients. From there, we dissected what made the video successful by making tests. The final result were 4 amazing looking videos that spoke directly to the potential customers.

02. Campaign segmentation

While we’re big fans of grouping audiences as much as possible, Almasi had spent a good amount of money building custom audiences. We decided on a cold and warm split. The cold campaign leveraged interest-based audiences, no interest and lookalikes. The warm was split between website, Facebook and Instagram. It helped us see that images performed better on warm audiences and videos on cold.

03. Wide audiences

Still today, large audiences seem counterintuitive to our clients. We know who we want to target, why don’t we go super precise. While we can’t know the reason why with 100% accuracy, wide audiences perform better. We think it’s because Facebook is better than us at targeting. In reality, we should just spend way more time on our creatives. Ads don’t perform mostly because of an ad that doesn’t speak to our customers and rarely because of targeting.


We were able to generate over $680,000 in revenue with an average ROAS of 5.78x. This helped them attract new customers from new advertising channels.


Prepare video scripts

Video’s are much harder to prepare than images. Here’s what we did to make our approach efficient. We first established our marketing goal and ideal customer profile. From there, we did some research and came up with 3 script ideas. We picked one and started writing anything we would need in terms of prompts, scenery, actors and products. In our case, it was a chef, stunning kitchen, meat and vegetables.

Dive into the customer’s mind

You can’t advertise to people you don’t understand. For Almasi, it was the man proud of making his own barbecue with friends this summer. He liked cutting meat but wanted a heavy knife making meat melt instead of cutting it. We spent time understanding this customer – the content they already liked and what mattered to them. You never know enough about who you are targeting, never.

Try the product

It might not always be possible but we’re big fans of trying the product we are trying to sell. We might feel or see things we didn’t think about before. It also gives us an experience – we can describe the feeling to potential customers. If you sell a physical product, do the experience of being in your customers shoe once in a while. You will be pleasantly surprised!

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